Who We Are

We Not Opps is a violence prevention & youth mentoring  program that provides assistance to Cook County residents. We assist our young people to achieve their goals (find their gift) they once dreamed of as a child. Our mentoring program teaches self-awareness, non-violence, responsibility, Aqil- Cognitive & Emotional intelligence, job & entrepreneurial skills. Our kids just need a chance to be heard and given tools not just to survive but to live a full life.


Our mission is to raise the consciousness of our youth and bring them to a new understanding of themselves as emotional, intelligent, and critical thinkers, who can resolve conflicts. So, they can follow their dreams and navigate the world they live in.


“To create responsible young people to be a positive influence for their peers and voice for their communities.”


Know your rights – when stopped by the police

Trauma & the community


Stages Of Change

Clicks/Street Violence

Aqil – Cognitive & emotional intelligence

Conflict mediation & resolution

Critical  & Analytical Thinking 

Managing Anger


Path To Purpose

Module I

Developing Decision-Making Skills

In this module we will teach how to make simple decisions to more complex decisions based

on developmental stages, using accurate information to make well thought-out decisions.

Module II

Goal Setting

In this module students will be able to define, describe and discuss their goals in age appropriate discussions.

Module III

Developing Leadership Skills

In this module students will be able to demonstrate comprehension of what a leader is, and

recognize the qualities or attributes of a good leader in discussion.

The module involves components that are centered in:

RE-Entry Services


Assistance in Illinois Registries

Job Search

Starting a business

Community Events

Annual Community Basketball event

Events with Mentees

Back To School Bookbag Drives

Victim Services

Respond to shootings

Meet the Families of victims at the hospital

Burial information

Victim services support

Assist in re-location

Mentoring services

Our mentoring program gives support to all mentees who may be in our path 2 purpose curriculum class or who are just getting mentored who may not be ready to be a part of the curriculum but still are engaged and encouraged through mentors to find their purpose. Mentees will take part in all trainings.


  • 24/7 Conflict mediation / Resolution
  • Community work to help build character
  • Developing goals & Goal Setting

Community Partners

  • National Alliance for the Empowerment of the Formerly incarcerated
  • Justice for Nicholas Lee foundation
  • The Black Panther Party Cubs
  • F.O.C.U.O.S

“You not up on your OPPS ! We all down”

Naji Islam

Naji Islam

Founder/ CEO

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